Reside Living™
150 N Michigan Ave. Suite 2700
Chicago, IL 60601
It looks like people are starting to discover what we’ve known for years: When it comes to livability, Chicago is hard to beat. recently ranked Chicago’s neighborhoods , giving them a score between 0 and 100 based on factors like safety, entertainment, transport, community, health, daily life, sports and leisure. The top three all scored 92 and the bottom three scored between 73 and 74, making the Windy City very livable.
Reside Living has communities in three neighborhoods that made the top 20 : Lincoln Park, Lakeview, and Rogers Park.
Lincoln Park came in at No. 4 with a score of 91 , while Lakeview and Rogers Park scored 89 and 85 , respectively.
Reside has five communities in this neighborhood:
Reside has 11 communities in this neighborhood:
Reside has one community in this neighborhood:
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